It is important to avoid anything that can cause further damage to your brain or spinal cord

MS is a condition that causes damage to your brain and spinal cord. As such, it is important to avoid anything that can do further damage. There are some changes you can make to help keep your brain as healthy as possible.

Be careful with how much alcohol you drink

People with MS who drink unsafe amounts of alcohol tend not to live as long as people with MS who consume safe amounts of alcohol.1 In addition, symptoms such as imbalance or a lack of coordination can get worse after drinking alcohol, and alcohol can further increase the urgency and frequency of needing to urinate.2


Avoid smoking

Compared to people with MS who do not smoke, those who do smoke tend to have a smaller brain volume, relapse more often, have more disability, have more cognitive problems and don’t live as long.1 Additional benefits of quitting smoking include:2

  • Improved MS symptoms and relapses
  • Slowed rate or progression
  • Improved general health and reduced risk of developing diseases such as cardiovascular disease and cancer
  • Saving money.


Eat healthy

Eat healthy to keep your weight under control. Although there is no concrete evidence regarding the impact of nutrition on MS, it has been shown that people who are obese tend to have more brain lesions compared to people who are a healthy weight.1 A healthy diet has health benefits beyond MS symptoms.1


Keep fit and active

Keeping as fit and active as you can with exercise, and keeping your mind as active and engaged as possible through education, reading and hobbies will help keep your brain as healthy as possible.1

Listen to Jemma share how she keeps healthy.


Learn from Nurse Meaghan Osborne on how diet and lifestyle can affect your MS symptoms and what changes you can make to help manage your MS.



  • MS Brain Health. Brain health: A guide for people with multiple sclerosis. (late updated 2021).
  • National MS Society. Unhealthy habits. (date of last update not specified).